Which Home Loans Are Offered for Each FICO Score Tier?

Five miniature wooden houses

Have you ever heard of the term “FICO Score?” It’s a three-digit number that represents your spending habits and ability to pay back loans. FICO scores are one of the most common criteria mortgage consultants use to evaluate whether to issue someone a home loan. But what type of mortgage loans are offered to borrowers…

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Key Challenges a Licensed Mortgage Lender Faces and How They Overcome Them

A man sitting at a desk with a pensive look on his face

Did you know there are over 400,000 individuals employed in the mortgage banking and brokerage industries? Considering how difficult it is to pass the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System mortgage loans originator exam, that’s a lot of people! Mortgage consultants face many daily challenges in their quest to help people fulfill their dreams of owning real estate. But what…

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3 Popular Types of FHA Loans: How They Work & Who They Benefit

Lights illuminating a house and the lawn around it

FHA loans are one of the most popular types of mortgage loans in the country. There are over 7.8 million active FHA loans nationwide totaling $1.2 trillion in unpaid principals. If you add up the mortgage premiums owed on these loans, the total amount is astronomical! But what types of FHA loans do homebuyers apply for most…

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How Freelancing Has Affected the Mortgage Industry

scramble tiles spelling “mortgage”

A decade or more ago, companies were employing individuals for the long term. However, that has changed; many individuals globally have started to work on their terms as freelancers. Freelancers are self-employed individuals—these individuals aren’t committed to a particular employer for the long term, and work with different employers for different periods of time. This also…

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